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Ask WHO not how

Unlock your problem-solving potential by shifting your focus from 'how' to 'WHO'. Gain invaluable strategies to ask the right questions and collaborate effectively for transformative results. Let WHO be your guide on the path to success.

Instructors: Rajesh Murthy

$37 81.08% OFF

$7 including GST

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Why this course?


Does it seem like you hear about some new technology, app, or software that can disrupt your universe almost every day? - with the power to toss your business into chaos and ruin if you don't immediately jump on the bandwagon and embrace it?

How can you filter out this noise so that you can focus on the highest payoff, the biggest bang for the buck solutions you need right now?

Find CLEAR, SIMPLE ANSWERS so that you can escape the wrath of being 'Broke, Busted, and Disgusted like many well-intentioned businesses end up. These are strong words, I know. No one should ever experience it.

But a myriad amount of businesses unintentionally get riddled in one.

The session would be a gift that can help you overcome the challenge of untangling the confusing spiral of technology, marketing, and business advice coming at you from all sides.

Want to make 2023 your most magical business year ever?

A short quick, fun session that can help you have the freedom of time, money, relationship, and purpose.

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How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.
